Global Outreach Team Peer Advisors
Please reach out directly to any of our Global Outreach (GO!) Team Peer Advisors below for a student perspective! You can ask them about their off-campus study program experiences, any of their identities or interest areas listed, the country or place they studied -- and anything else you have questions about as you prepare for your study abroad.
If you have "how-to" procedural questions about application processes for CC, financial aid or billing, health and safety, insurance, etc., please make sure to read the detailed guides in the "Global Education" section of our website, as individual student situations always vary, and one student's path may be very different than yours on a logistical level. The Center for Global Education staff remains available also for specific advising to make your off-campus study possible.

Emma Devlin '25
Major/minor: English: Creative Writing (M), Spanish (m)
Programs: CC in Latin America Half-Semester 2022 (Mérida, Mexico)
I could talk with you about: Emotional Wellness/Managing Mental Health Abroad, Gender-Related Considerations, Internship or research project abroad, Language Learning and Goals, Living with a Host Family, Local Culture (customs, attire, cultural norms, etiquette), My major or minor, Program Preparation (ideas for packing, gift giving).
"I could help students plan and research for their study abroad programs, as I've spent a great deal of time considering my academic and personal goals regarding global education (whether for the CC in Latin American program or the block in Vienna I will be doing, as well as my plans for studying abroad senior year). I could also help female-identifying students understand their safest travel options, specifically providing information on where to stay as a woman, which countries that I've visited are most female-friendly, and tips on how to ensure your safety as a woman/female-identifying identity abroad. In terms of mental health, I can provide my perspective on how to make the most out of living/working abroad while concurrently managing feelings of loneliness, stress, depression and social anxiety."

Estie Seligman '24
she/her/hers, 415-608-7461
Major/minor: Environmental Studies (M), Political Science (m)
Programs: SIT Iceland: Climate Change and the Arctic, Spring 2023
I could talk with you about: Internship or research project abroad, Living with a Host Family, Local Culture (customs, attire, cultural norms, etiquette), My major or minor, Program Preparation (ideas for packing, gift giving), STEM studies.
"The program I did with SIT in Iceland appeals to many CC students, especially in the environmental majors, so I would be interested in advising any student who is thinking about this program or other SIT programs. I can talk about how this program is for STEM majors like me. I can also talk about SIT's independent research project, living with a host family, and finding your own housing abroad."

Jace Fuller '25
he/him/his, 617-291-9548 (phone/text preferred)
Major/minor: Organismal Biology & Ecology (M), Anthropology (m)
Programs: SIT Madagascar: Biodiversity and Natural Resource Mgmt, Spring 2023. Summer '23 SEA Semester voyage: Pacific Reef Exploration. Office of Sustainability trip to Iceland 2022. Jazz tour in South Africa.
I could talk with you about: Ethnic and Racial Identity Abroad, Emotional Wellness/Managing Mental Health Abroad, Internship or research project abroad, Language Learning and Goals, Living with a Host Family, Local Culture (customs, attire, cultural norms, etiquette), My major or minor, Program Preparation (ideas for packing, gift giving), STEM studies.
"I can give perspective and advice for what to expect and how to prepare!"

Jack Meinen '24
Major: International Political Economy
Programs: IES Salamanca/Universidad de Salamanca Year 22-23.
I could talk with you about: Emotional Wellness/Managing Mental Health Abroad, Language Learning and Goals, Local Culture (customs, attire, cultural norms, etiquette), My major or minor, Program Preparation (ideas for packing, gift giving).
"Salamanca is a wonderful city and has many important benefits over other traditional study abroad destinations. I would be happy to share my experiences with prospective students. By the end of my sophomore year, I needed to get away from CC, to students who feel a similar feeling or are burnt out, I can provide support to ensure them that going abroad is a great option. My main academic goal with studying abroad was to advance my Spanish language skills. I spent one semester living in a university dorm with both Spanish and other international students. During my second semester I lived in an apartment. Many of my friends lived in home stays. So, I can speak to the benefits of all types of housing options. Home sickness is real. Staying in contact with friends when you have a busy schedule and a large time difference is mentally challenging but can be managed with proper self care and by talking advantage of the resources available to you. Plus on a small program, it’s easy to make close friends who will remain with you post studying abroad."

Kay Fizer '24
he/him/his, 713-689-0495
Major/minor: Sociology (M), Mandarin (m)
Programs: CC in Asia Half-Semester 2022 (Singapore and Thailand), Partner Year - DIS Copenhagen Year 22-23, CC Block 7 France 2024
I could talk with you about: Bridge Scholar, Ethnic and Racial Identity Abroad, First Generation college student, Language Learning and Goals, LGBTQIA+ Abroad, Living with a Host Family, Local Culture (customs, attire, cultural norms, etiquette)
"I am full of energy and can get the ball rolling once I’m told what to do! I’m a team player and love helping people learn about what other countries may have to offer!"

Lorelei Smillie '25
she/her/hers, 917-993-2046
Major/minor: Political Science (M), French (m)
Programs: CC in France Spring Semester 2023, Partner Semester - SFS Bhutan Spring 2024 (Himalayan Environment and Society in Transition). Gap year Chile & Peru, worked on farms.
I could talk with you about: Emotional Wellness/Managing Mental Health Abroad, Language Learning and Goals, Living with a Host Family, Local Culture (customs, attire, cultural norms, etiquette), My major or minor, Program Preparation (ideas for packing, gift giving), Religion
"I think that managing to do two different programs during two different years gives me a unique outlook on how you can spend your time at CC and how to coordinate that. I also participated in one CC program and will participate in a non-CC partner program, so I can explain the differences in the actual experiences and the logistics. My first semester was language-based, so I'm able to share a lot about that experience, as well as what it's like living with a host family for an extended period of time and having complete language immersion. I can also speak to the local French culture and what it’s like to assimilate and become part of it, no matter your language level. I’m enthusiastic about sharing my experiences and studying abroad, and I want more students to do it!"

Maggie Anderson '25
she/her/hers, 802-535-7687
Major/minor: Comparative Literature (M), pre-law (m), Spanish (m)
Programs: CC Summer in Spain 2023, CC in Latin America Semester (Brazil & Mexico, Fall 2023), Winter Start in Guatemala before CC.
I could talk with you about: Emotional Wellness/Managing Mental Health Abroad, Gender-Related Considerations, Internship or research project abroad, Language Learning and Goals, Living with a Host Family, Local Culture (customs, attire, cultural norms, etiquette), My major or minor, Program Preparation (ideas for packing, gift giving).
"I have been in different study abroad situations and am excited to listen deeply to any questions/fears or concerns anyone looking to study abroad might have! I have lived with four different host families and have also traveled in different contexts: city, rural, etc. so I can be a good person to talk to no matter the program you're considering. It can be difficult to study abroad from the first time and leave friends/family to immerse yourself in an unfamiliar culture/language. Studying abroad and doing so responsibly is worth it, so I am here to listen to your fears & doubts, share my experience, and help you find the right program!"

Megan Kelliher '24
she/they, 617-290-0539
Major/minor: Sociology (M), Human Biology and Kinesiology (m)
Programs: IES Granada Spring 2023; CC Block 8 Scandinavia 2022
I could talk with you about: Emotional Wellness/Managing Mental Health Abroad, Gender-Related Considerations, Language Learning and Goals, LGBTQIA+ Abroad, Local Culture (customs, attire, cultural norms, etiquette), My major or minor, Program Preparation (ideas for packing, gift giving)
"I am passionate about my own study abroad experience, and I had a lot of questions and worries going into study abroad that I was able to resolve on my own -- but I think I could help answer other peoples questions and reassure them of worries really well so they don't have to do it alone! I weighed the pros and cons of studying abroad really heavily before making a decision, and I think I could help people to make decisions that work for their situation, especially sharing things I wish I'd known about CC specifically before going. I loved being abroad and am excited to talk to you and to share that passion with other CC students."

Phoebe McGovern '24
She/her/hers, 207-703-8949
Major/minor: Psychology (M), French (m)
Programs: CC in France semester, Spring 2023
I could talk with you about: Emotional Wellness/Managing Mental Health Abroad, Language Learning and Goals, Living with a Host Family, Local Culture (customs, attire, cultural norms, etiquette), My major or minor, Program Preparation (ideas for packing, gift giving), STEM studies
"My study abroad experience was a CC Semester abroad on the block plan, and I think that is very unique. I would be happy to talk with you about many different topics ranging from host family experiences (I lived for three months with a host family that didn't speak any English!), learning a foreign language, and any other questions you may have. I also studied abroad very recently, so I have a fresh memory about the small details of my experience and can provide helpful insight into the application process as well. I also had a lot of experience with packing to go abroad and preparing for other side trips during my semester, and am happy to talk to you about logistics and getting ready to go!"

Reeve Schroeder '24
she/her/hers or 413-717-9939
Majors: Anthropology & Hispanic Studies (M)
Programs: CC Block Away - PG316: Afro-Brazilian Culture Through the Arts (Brazil, Block 8, 2022); AN380: Engaging COP27 in Egypt (Block 3, 2022); SIT Ecuador: Development, Politics, and Languages.
I could talk with you about: Emotional Wellness/Managing Mental Health Abroad, Gender-Related Considerations, Language Learning and Goals, Living with a Host Family, Local Culture (customs, attire, cultural norms, etiquette), My major or minor, Program Preparation (ideas for packing, gift giving).
"I can speak to various stages of the language learning process while abroad: learning beginner/intermediate Spanish, becoming fluent in Spanish, traveling in Spanish-speaking countries after becoming fluent, and learning a third language (Portuguese) abroad. Each stage of language learning while abroad has offered me distinct opportunities and challenges, so I am eager to talk with peers about how their own level of experience with language can influence and guide their experiences. I know that being in the beginning stages of learning a language can be especially intimidating when considering speaking it abroad, so I am excited to share my experiences with others and encourage them to challenge themselves and expand their comfort zones.
I am also a double major in Anthropology and Hispanic Studies, so I can speak to the ways in which each major has influenced my experiences abroad, as well as the challenge of balancing off-campus opportunities with the completion of a double major.
Living with a host Family – I have lived with eight host families over the past several years. Many of them were amazing, some were very challenging, and most were some combination of both. I would love to talk honestly about the experience of living with a host family to help peers prepare for the challenges of this opportunity and the wonderful bonds that can result from it. I look forward to hearing from you!"

Saige Ferguson '25
she/her/hers, 719-221-4531
Major/minor: Organismal Biology and Ecology (M)
Programs: SFS Turks & Caicos: Marine Resources Studies, Spring 2023. Independent summer volunteer program in Costa Rica.
I could talk with you about: Emotional Wellness/Managing Mental Health Abroad, Internship or research project abroad, Local Culture (customs, attire, cultural norms, etiquette), My major or minor, Program Preparation (ideas for packing, gift giving), STEM studies
"I studied abroad as a sophomore, and was on a tiny island (Turks & Caicos) with a very different culture and social norms from the US. I would be happy to talk with you about my experiences and what living and daily life looked like abroad, as well as discuss what obstacles come with studying abroad in a less-common region and how to deal with those challenges. I did my semester abroad as a sophomore and I feel that is a pretty big leap, as most people go abroad their junior or senior year, and I spent a lot of time choosing which study abroad semester I wanted to do, when I wanted to go, and I did a lot of thinking about what I valued and wanted to get out of the program. School for Field Studies was a field-based program, living in small spaces with lots of other people, and I would be happy to talk about what that experience was like. I also dealt with some difficult emotions while abroad, and think I can help other students who may have concerns regarding that. I found that the location of my study abroad definitely came with some feelings of not belonging, so I can help you think about and consider how to deal with that. I also did a research project looking at octopus behavior and would love to share what my research looked like while abroad, especially in comparison to CC research initiatives!"

Sammy Park '24
Major/minor: Economics & Business (M), History (m)
Programs: CC in Berlin Half-Semester program (Blocks 3-4, 2021), CC Block Away - EN225: Shakespeare in London (Summer 2022).
I could talk with you about: Athletes abroad, Bridge Scholar, Ethnic and Racial Identity Abroad, Emotional Wellness/Managing Mental Health Abroad, Gender-Related Considerations, LGBTQIA+ Abroad, My major or minor.
"I am an NCAA cross-country and track runner at CC. I understand the challenges and mental toll it takes on students who need to train and do their classes abroad as well. When I went abroad, I had no one to speak with about the difficulties of training and experiencing a new place all at once. Moreover, no one told me it would be mentally and physically more challenging to keep a normal routine abroad than in Colorado. I want to help student-athletes like myself be aware of this toll and help work with them to make a perfect schedule of themselves!
In addition to being a student athlete, I am a member of the LGBTQ community. I wish to help fellow LGBTQ students in every way possible in the study away process. I know it can be hard for students who are a part of the community to reach out for help when they don’t see themselves represented in a team setting. I want to make LGBTQ students feel more comfortable reaching out for help with specific questions pertaining to queer identities abroad when they see themselves represented. Study away programs are for all students, and I want to create a welcoming environment for everyone."